Friday, August 31, 2007

Calling it quits

Even the best poker players in the world have their down days. Knowing when to quit will keep you from a drained bank account,especially when you feel that greed or that sense of desperation setting in. As a general rule of thumb, it's best to quit if you have a swing of 40 big bets in either direction. If you want to break this 40 big-bet rule, proceed with caution. Know if the game is really good or if you're just pushing it.Here are some mental signs to consider when you might be tilting:
1. You always think your opponents are bluffing.
2. You feel anxious for a high-action game.
3. You're struggling to break even for the day.

Here are other signs to look out for if you've just played way too much:
1. You've played more than eight hours for one game during your day. (Don't drain yourself by playing long sessions. It's better to play many short sessions than a few long ones to keep your mind fresh each time.)
2. You're no longer paying attention to your opponents' moves.
3. You're dozing off at the table.

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