Saturday, September 1, 2007

Absolute Poker and Ultimate Poker - bad beats? No Way!

Absolute Poker’s Bad Beat Jackpot Approaches $700,000

The online poker tables at Absolute Poker are filling up faster than ever after the popular online poker site reported that their current Bad Beat Jackpot is quickly approaching $700,000. By 9am ET on Monday, the jackpot of Absolute Poker’s popular Bad Beat Jackpot Texas Hold'em game had reached $667,000. With $0.50 collected from each qualifying hand at designated Bad Beat Jackpot tables, that number is growing by an average of $2,000 per hour. The larger-than-life jackpot eclipses Absolute Poker’s own record of $464,652.03. What’s more, the Absolute jackpot is nearly twice as big as Party Poker’s (a site not open to US players). The next player to lose a hand holding four 8s or anything better will win a large piece of the jackpot. The participants in the bad beat hand will also share in the jackpot.

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