Friday, August 31, 2007

Choosing limit levels

Generally speaking you should choose which limit to play based on your financial standing, your poker abilities, and your risk tolerance.No matter how filthy rich you are, it's always best to start out at the lower limits, not only because of lighter competition, but to get the hang of the game. So what if you're name is Chris Moneymaker? If you're playing online no one will know that, so there's no "woo"-factor for others to stop and think they're playing with some sort of demigod.
Nevertheless when it comes to choosing a limit, the hardest part of that choice is to know when to move up or down in the type of limit game. If you think you can handle seven or more sessions at a certain limit level, you're probably skilled enough to jump up a notch. However, you do not want to move up so high that when you play it actually scares you. Fear is one of those high-ranking decision killers which causes a sort of analysis paralysis, along with building a false sense of courage if you're shooting for the stars without a plan. You're not likely to have the bankroll to survive a night at the tables with these traits.If you do take some hard knocks you ought to move down.
On the other side of the emotional spectrum, you don't want to move down so steep that you feel like it is child's play or that there's simply no challenge. For example, if you're playing up at the $25-50limit you wouldn't want to fall back to a $1-2 game. Fall a little closer to something like the $10-20 games. Take "the middle path"to keep a steady feeling of challenge. That way you don't whipsaw your motivation (or lack thereof) to play in a random mess.*

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